
Brancusi, Paris

Paris, France
Kirker Holidays

At the Centre Pompidou until 1 July 2024

The largest ever retrospective devoted to Romanian sculptor Constantin Brancusi will bring together loans from leading international museums to present nearly two hundred sculptures, as well as photographs and drawings, and tools and furniture from the artist’s studio. The exhibition also includes Brancusi’s studio itself, which was bequeathed to the French State in 1957, and has been reconstructed by the architect Renzo Piano as part of the museum itself.

Sculptor, painter and photographer Constantin Brancusi was born in 1876 and is regarded as one of the most influential sculptors of the 20th century and a pioneer of modernism. Brancusi’s sculptures are primarily made from wood, marble, bronze and metal, sculpting abstract interpretations of human and animal subjects. Notable works being displayed in the exhibition include the iconic bronze sculptures Sleeping Muse (1910) and Bird in Space (1928).

This exhibition is a rare opportunity to witness the impressive collection of Brancusi’s lifetime of artworks.

Opening Hours

Museum and exhibition open 11am-9pm

Open daily, closed on Tuesdays

Annual closure on 1st May


Online ticket and time slot booking is strongly recommended – please speak to the Kirker Concierge before you travel.

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