The small town of Trujillo revolves around the elegant Playa Mayor, surrounded by historic buildings, and features an equestrian statue of famous local lad and infamous conquistador Francisco Pizarro. The countryside around Trujillo is home to some of the most impressive natural landscapes in Spain, with the Monfragüe National Park nearby, which is an important location for raptors including the imperial eagle and black vulture.
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The Parador de Trujillo is located in the historic centre of Trujillo, a few metres from the Playa Mayor. The 16th century Franciscan convent of Santa Clara, it is built around a central cloister with Renaissance columns and arches, now connected to a second courtyard, which is modern in style.
Traverse one of Spain’s most undiscovered regions and stay in three atmospheric and historic Paradors. Extremadura is a vast province with an ancient history, but it is home to only 2% of the Spanish population, and inhabited instead by among Europe’s richest concentrations of birds-of-prey.
6 nights from £1,170 per person
Flight to Madrid
Car hire
2 nights' at the Parador de Trujillo
2 nights' at the Parador de Cáceres
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